CIA Triad

CIA Triad


Imagine you have a secret toy and you do not want anyone else you do not trust to know about it. That's like confidentiality. It means keeping something private or secret so that only the people that you trust can know about it. It's like having a special hiding place for your toy where nobody elese can find it.

The requirement that private (privacy) or secret information not be dis- closed to unauthorized individuals. Confidentiality protection applies to data in storage, during processing, and while in transit.


Imagine you have a special puzzle that you worked really hard to solve. You don't want anyone to change the puzzle pieces or mess them up. That's what data integrity is about. It means making sure that your puzzle, or in the computer world, your information or data, hasn't been changed or altered by someone who shouldn't be changing it. It's like making sure your puzzle stays the same and nobody cheats by switching the pieces around.

Data integrity

Data integrity: The property that data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner while in storage, during processing, or while in transit.

System integrity: The quality that a system has when performing the intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from unauthorized manipulation.


Lastly, let's talk about availability. Imagine you have a favorite game that you love to play. You want to be able to play it whenever you want. Availability means making sure that the game is always ready for you to play and that nobody stops you from playing it. It's like having your favorite toy or game always accessible and not being taken away from you when you want to use it.

Availability is a requirement intended to assure that systems work promptly and service is not denied to authorized users.

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