

Imagine you have a special box with a lock that is supposed to keep your toys safe. However, if there is a flaw or weakness in the design, how the lock is made, or how it is managed, someone might be able to open the box and take your toys. That flaw or weakness in the lock is what we call a vulnerability.

In computer systems, a vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in how the system is designed, built, or managed that could be exploited by someone with bad intentions to violate the system's security. It's like finding a hole in the box that lets someone reach in and grab your toys without permission.

A flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system’s security.

Categories of vulnerabilities

System resource can be corrupted

This means that something in the system can go wrong or give incorrect answers. It's like if your special toy box had a problem with its mechanism, and instead of opening when you put in the right key, it opens randomly or doesn't open at all. It can also mean that the stored data values in the system have been changed in a wrong or unauthorized way, like if someone sneaks into your toy box and changes the toys inside without you knowing.

It does the wrong thing or gives wrong answers. stored data values have been improperly modified.

System resource can become leaky

This means that someone who should not have access to certain information can obtain that information. Imagine if your special toy box had a secret compartment that only you knew about, but someone found out and opened it. It's like if someone who shouldn't know about your secret toys somehow gets access to them.

Someone who should not have access to the information obtains such access.

System resource can become unavailable or very slow

This means that the system may not work properly, or it becomes extremely slow or even stops working altogether. It's like if your special toy box gets jammed, and you can't open it anymore to get your toys. Or if it takes a very long time for the lock to open, making it frustrating and time-consuming to access your toys.

System resource can become unavailable or very slow.

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